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Welcome to our blog focused on the Agile Scrum Methodology! Here, you can find valuable resources, insights, information on Agile methodology , Scrum training, as well as practical tips and tricks to help you implement and use the methodology in your own workplace. Let’s get started and learn what Agile Scrum is all about!

Jacob Anderson
Apr 5, 20226 min read
Agility Assessments and Continuous Improvement
When trying to be involved in the concept of continuous improvement with your team, there are many things that can be used to help assess th

Jacob Anderson
Mar 1, 20226 min read
Daily Standup: Aligning Right to Accomplish Sprint Goals
The prospect of having a team together daily for a short period of time to assess the progress made towards committed work is definitely not

V. Lee Henson
Apr 29, 20192 min read
Agile - End Game... Achieving Organizational Agility 12-Steps
One question that I often get asked is what comes after Agile? Many feel like the ride is nearing its end while others are actually just...

V. Lee Henson CST
Mar 20, 20194 min read
Metrics, Statistics and Other Agile Voodoo
Whenever success is called into question, there is a measuring stick that is used to define where the difference lies between success and...

V. Lee Henson CST
Feb 19, 20193 min read
Agile through the Eyes of a Marketer
As the landscape continues to adapt and use evolving Agile practices, more and more areas of companies are seeing that Agile is not just...

V. Lee Henson CST
Feb 1, 20194 min read
Aren't We Already Agile Enough?
In many organizations, Agile is alive and well within many layers of the company. Change has become something to be expected and even...

V. Lee Henson CST
Jan 29, 20194 min read
The Death of a ScrumMaster
What happens when the ScrumMaster becomes so overzealous that their message is rejected? Over the past couple years, I have seen this...

Ty Grigg
Dec 18, 20185 min read
Top 5 Benefits of Using Agile on your Team
A lot of organizations are deciding to adopt Agile to manage and refine their processes. Why are so many companies, large and small, invest

V. Lee Henson CST
Dec 16, 20183 min read
Roles, Responsibilities and More Agile Fun
There are many trains of thought about being precise with the roles used within your Agile teams. The underlying principles are about making

V. Lee Henson CST
Dec 14, 20183 min read
A Product Owner with a Prioritized Backlog
Recent experience has shown me with some companies when there is an ownership by committee for decision making, it becomes nearly impossible

V. Lee Henson CST
Nov 8, 20187 min read
Proper Expectations Lead to More Success
Life seems to be full of changes and modifications. Sometimes this can seem hourly or daily depending on what is happening at different stag

V. Lee Henson
Oct 22, 20182 min read
The Secret to PERFECT Agile Estimates
One of the biggest challenges organizations of any size face is their inability to accurately forecast and estimate. This has been an issue

V. Lee Henson CST
Aug 28, 20181 min read
Benefits of Agile for your Business
Whenever companies are considering why Agile is being used, there are many things to consider. Executives, managers, sales and marketing all

V. Lee Henson CST
Aug 27, 20187 min read
Agile Heroes Assemble - New Age of Priority
Prioritization is a very interesting and profound thing. How companies focus on their top priority initiatives can change the course of not

Ty Grigg
Aug 1, 20186 min read
Agile Estimation - Game of Numbers?
It’s essential to every organization to make the best decisions possible when selecting which products to develop, and that’s why our discus

Ty Grigg
Aug 1, 20184 min read
Agile Velocity - Performance and Predictability
When a team has been together and consistent for a few sprints we can start working out a velocity range that the team is consistently capab

V. Lee Henson CST
Jul 9, 20183 min read
Agile Marketing – Well Beyond Technology
Agile isn’t Just a Tech Thing Anymore
If your company doesn’t just do technology but needs to identify whether a solution, initiative or any

Stephanie Lindstrom
Jun 13, 20182 min read
Agile Tips for a Non-Technical Team
When many of us hear the term, Scrum in an Agile environment, the knee jerk reaction is, oh, that does not apply to me because that process

Stephanie Lindstrom
Jun 5, 20182 min read
ScrumMaster DOs and 'Donuts'
The Scrum Master, the servant leader. The one who shepherds teams to become self organizing, efficient and effective. The core and soul to

Stephanie Lindstrom
May 31, 20183 min read
Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
The retrospective is one of the single most important ceremonies to help agile teams improve. Facilitation methods vary but can help teams d
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